26 days until my due date.
20 days til my birthday.
16 days until the time rex would have been born.
12 days until gus would have been born.
6 days til thanksgiving.
wonder if leo will hit any of those random dates.
i feel alright, but all the sudden i'm looking at myself thinking i've never looked so pregnant. and walking around thinking i've never felt so pregnant.
the other day rex had a thanksgiving lunch at school. i thought he looked cute in his pilgrim hat. he's getting so big.
gus had some animal crackers for snack the other day, and i noticed him saying "huss" [horse] and making him walk around. seriously cute.
i'm really enjoying getting some one on one time with him. we read books and play blocks a lot. he gets funnier every day.
our friend melissa bought us this harness from our registry. the boys have had SO much fun taking turns pretending to be the dog. it's hysterical to watch.
i've been wanting to get some more one on one time with rex before leo is born. the other day sandy watched gus, and i took rex home early from school. we went to chick-fila for some ice cream. he was so sweet. he tells me, "when leo cries i will just say, 'oooo little baby leo, it will be ok!' and i will get him pacis to help you." he is such a great brother!
i can't wait to see how he and gus react to leo. not too much longer!